Eventi e attività

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Our third and last meeting is focused on The Via Francigena, an ancient pilgrimage route connecting Canterbury (UK) with Rome (Italy) across France, Switzerland and Italy.

As a diagonal across the European continent, the Via can be seen as a crossroads of different cultures, a historical path, which is still alive today. Named European Cultural Route, the Via has now become a reference point for sustainable tourism, a system of networks that enhances the development of the territories it crosses.

As in the previous conferences, we welcome international and multilingual guests, thus increasing the cultural level of the eTwinning / Erasmus project “The Ways of Europe. Walking & Learning ". Among our guests, Massimo Tedeschi, President of the European Association of the Vie Francigene and French collaborator Jacques Chevin.

The EAVF works to develop and protect this route that thousand of pilgrims still walk along today.

Two pilgrims, M. Lifint and M. Mille from Amiens, will tell us about their experiences.
Thomas Gaillet, a tour guide with the FFRandonnée association, will present the French section of the Via Francigena. We will walk along this section with our students.

And finally, we will talk about the Via Postumia, which crosses Verona, with Andrea Scatti Vismara, the first who travelled along this route.


The Ways of Europe The Via Francigena a European way


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